Tigger had been steadily declining in health for 5 months. We kept putting off the decision, wondering if we would wake up one morning and the decision would have been made for us.
We waited for signs that he was suffering and tried some all natural pain medication. By Tuesday, it was no longer possible to put it off.
On the advice of my good FB/Bloggy friend Bunny, we took Tigger to the SPCA in Sanford FL.
I was okay until my loving husband started crying as I was signing all the paperwork. We couldn't bear to bring home an empty carrier, so we donated it to the shelter.
We have had a pet almost continuously in our 31 years of marriage and I had 3 cats before we got married. The house is very quiet. Mr Sunshine misses Tigger greeting him at the front door after work every night. I miss him in the kitchen when I'm cooking. Before his world became confined to the spot in front of his food dishes, he used to climb in bed with us every night...stretching out between us while we read, one of us scratching his back and the other one rubbing his head.
We have been remembering how tiny he was when he came home at 6 weeks.
Our lives are always better because of the animals we love. He was a beauty. Peace to him and you.
he looks like he was loving and loved. I'm sorry for your loss.
So sorry...he was gorgeous and looked like a good friend to have.
I am so sorry.
Your post put a lump in my throat. We lost our cat Alfie a couple of months ago. I broke down again when we received a condolence card from the vet that Alfie's inked print on the inside.
Hugs to you.
so sorry for your loss :(
Hugs from here to you and your husband. A well-loved kitty who had a home and a heart for all of his life. I'm so sorry that your time with him has ended,
I'm really sorry. Tigger was a peach of a cat--heck, he even guest-posted for you a few times! That must have been really hard for you to come to that decision, but you know you did it out of love for him.
I'm think of you and yours...
I am so sorry--the love, and the giving of our love, to a good pet is a blessing in our lives.
Losing a pet is so hard. It looks like Tigger was well-loved and had a happy life. I'm so sorry for your loss.
Tigger was a one good looking kitty. Bee and I had our cat for over 20 years before she had to be put down. We used to dress the cat up at Christmas and stick her under the tree!
That was a nice tribute.
Tigger is so beautiful! I'm sure he had a wonderful family! He's happy :) x
I'm just now reading this, and I'm so sorry. Tears are strolling down my face. I'm gonna go hug my pup now.
I am so sorry for your loss. Tigger was fine looking cat, and sounds like a marvelous member of your family.
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