SOMEWHERE was into 2 large, puffy bags under my eyes! I took this picture last Friday, then it got worse over the weekend.
I still haven't gone back to work. I get a little bit lightheaded when I stand up for too long.
I spent 2 days in bed and decided to do some reading (even though glasses perched on my broken nose? OUCH).
What would YOU read to match the misery of a broken face? I read A Farewell To Arms by Hemingway and now I'm into Angela's Ashes. They make my broken face seem a little less of a tragedy.
I am also knitting myself a bubble suit for when I venture back out into public.
And I'm going to burn all my evil flip-flops.
Holy moly! You really clocked yourself well, didn't you? You poor thing.
I think you need something more uplifting to read. Have you read "The Help" yet? What about "Saving CeeCee Hon"? Both are excellent books with great strong female characters.
Hang in there!!!
I agree with torching he flip-flops. Bee and I are taking care of a patient on the Cape with a similar affliction to yours!
Feel better soon! Try reading Cutting for Stone.
Maybe a crash helmet, too, eh?
Oh dear, that looks so tender.
And with no m&ms either!
Ay :( that hurts looking sorry.
Bubble suit, hahaha. Burning flip-flops, hahaha. Sorry, I really did laugh when reading it. Even though I love flip-flops with a passion.
And have you seen the commercial for the NEW M&M's? They are PRETZEL M&M's!!!
I think this is an M&M link --
You poor poor thing! You need some Arnica!
Holey Moley! Ouch Ouch. And no M&Ms. I'd like to send you a big Cape Cod basket of fried clams and onion rings. Wouldn't do anything for your face, but yummy!
Save the pictures so you can use them for make inspiration at Halloween.
One Halloween I had to answer the door with 20 stitches around my left eye, after I fell down my steps. You are not alone. DH says my middle name should be Grace.
Has DFACS come knocking at the door yet?? You look edgy. Like you were in a fight. With the sidewalk. And it won. :)
Oh, you poor thing! That looks so painful, and as a fellow fibro sufferer I can only imagine what your recovery has been like! Maybe you can go out for some peanut Crack&Ms and eat them all in the car on the way home? He'll never know, and you deserve them!
My mom had her deviated septum operated on years ago and was left with bruising on her face. She and my dad, who was the nicest man in the world, went to the grocery store. People would look at my mom and then shoot the dirtiest looks at my dad.
Holy moly, those are some sad books. Might want to try Sophie's Choice next. :)
You poor thing!! Hope your face is on the mend very soon.
Feel better!
Wow--you're family has been through a lot in the last couple of weeks. I hope everything is healing.
I'm also recollecting insurance issues and hope that is all squared away--otherwise, yikes!
This is what I get for leaving the country and not checking in on anything for day, nay, weeks!
Destroy the flip-flops. See? This is why the whole flip-flop thing as fashion-forward thinking was a BAD IDEA.
Lordy, I hope you look better for the holiday weekend!
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