Monday, April 9, 2012

Perfect Beach Day

Where I was...New Smyrna Beach, FL
What I ate.
 What I did...a 30 min walk.
Where I want to live...yes, I'll take one of those, please.


Gail said...

Wah!!!! I'm sooooo jealous!!!

Lover Lady said...

Nice. Jealous.

Mrs. G. said...

It does look like a perfect day.

Meg at the Members Lounge said...

Love the beach. It looked like a perfect day!

I would not have been good with food and drink at the beach like you were. Good girl!

Suzanne Casamento said...

I'll take the one next to yours!

Lifeofkaylen said...

Can I come stay at your fabulous place??!!
Looks like you had a great time. :)

michelle said...

I've been blog hopping and found my way here. Imagine my shock to see pictures of "my" beach ! Looks like you enjoyed your day in our little town!

Gary's third pottery blog said...

OH! I need to follow this eggcellent blog :) Soy milk, yes :) Thank you for your visits and awesomeness, gr

Darius Cartmell said...

What delightful fruity snacks you’ve got there, little miss sunshine! I wish I could have some of those strawberries! A 30 minute walk to the beach isn't that bad if the beach is worth walking, indeed. Having a house by the beach is just one of my childhood dreams - but now it's fulfilled. Yes, you can, sunshine!