Cape Cod Kid is still here. I think he's getting a little claustrophobic in the apartment. I try to get him out every day. We've been to the bookstore, the park, grocery shopping. I've tried to get him to throw these jeans in the trash. He's had them forever. They're his favorite jeans.

He wants to live in that beautiful apartment building because it has a Japanese Meditation Garden.

Remember this sad story? A week after my Visa Check card disappeared, the same thing happened to my boss. She called the police. Then she called me.
We figured out that there was one employee that worked with each of us on those two days. My boss had already suspected that this person was responsible for some cash shortages in the registers. When my boss mentioned the employee's name, the police officer knew of her and told my boss that there was a current investigation.
I received a phone call yesterday morning. She had been arrested for Grand Larceny, Credit Card fraud and Identity theft. (I think) her name is Sandy. Apparently she has 3 names for her 3 identities.
Visa has already replaced the money in my checking account. It only took 8 days. THANK YOU VISA.
I am so glad that the thief was caught and you got your money back.
Glad it worked out so quickly!
Good news all around - well, except for the jeans maybe...but I'd let that go.
Phew! Considering the stories we all hear and read about credit card fraud and identity theft, you're really lucky! See ... Christmas miracle!!
Oh I'm so glad that's all resolved! I think it's almost easier to know you were targeted by a co worker than randomly chosen. Cute snowman. Funny smirk about those jeans;)
I'm so glad "Sandy" was caught. More so that your checking account has been restored. Happy New Year to you!
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