Friday, November 28, 2008

The Piano In The Woods

I was all set with this breaking news report, but Regis and Kelly beat me to it, about 5 minutes ago.

Strange things are known to happen on Cape Cod. It is thought that departed spirits roam the beaches and woods. It could also be that many characters reside on that spit of land that juts out into the Atlantic Ocean.

Last week the police in Harwich MA were informed that a woman taking a walk in the woods had found a piano and bench. There are many theories about why it is there.

In the new movie TWILIGHT, the teen vampire plays the piano in the woods. Are there fans that have been recreating the scene?

Are there parents that have found a solution to their little Mozart-Wannabe-Insomniac pounding Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star at 3AM?

My personal theory is that someone is moving and needed to get rid of the piano. I've been there, done that. I had my grandmother's 100 year old piano when I lived on the Cape. It had been in the garage for 18 years. No one wants a free piano that has been in the garage for 18 years. We had to pay a junk company to take it away. The thought never occured to me to just dump it.

When the article appeared in the Cape Cod Times, the comments were pretty amusing. My two favorite:

"Someone will have to face the music"

"Will the owner want it Bach?"

If I found a piano in the woods, I would be inspired to play. I think I might practice the soundtrack to Into The Woods.

*Picture of the Piano Investigation from the Cape Cod Times by staff photographer Jake O'Callaghan*


Anonymous said...

Groan-will someone want it Bach. Ha! That is so funny. Thanks for this rather quirky post:)

Amy A. said...

I wonder if some kids were trying to produce a music video.

But you are right. Someone probably just dumped it.

blackbird said...

I hope they never figure it's a better story.

Rima said...

That story is beautiful and also kind of sad and haunting, no?

Suzy said...

Who knew Blair Witch could play the piano?

Heather T said...

When I saw this I thought, college undergrads. Goofy undergrads just doing stupid something like sitting on the roof or putting an armchair out in the front lawn. And they're probably collecting the news stories laughing their heads off.

Duyvken said...

We also have a piano that we've been trying to get rid of without success. It's old, it's out of tune, it doesn't fit in our house, we can't open the front door all the way because it bangs into the piano but no-one wants it and it will be expensive to have it taken away because it weighs a tonne! I'm impressed that they managed to get it into the woods!!

Monnik said...

I saw this story somewhere and thought it was interesting. Strange place to dump a piano. I would love to sit down and play something in the woods though. how peaceful would that be!