Sunday, November 23, 2008

What I Learned This Weekend

You can make a comment on someone's blog. Someone else reads it. Much later, she lets you know that what you said changed her life. After a long IM Chat and an even longer phone call, you learn that you've made a new friend.

I received an advertising supplement in my Sunday paper. It was a big, glossy ad for booze, complete with drink recipes. I learned that some people need a recipe for Bailey's On The Rocks. REALLY???

This will be my 6th Christmas in the past 8 years working a retail job. Every single store I have worked in has the same type of customer. She is the lady with kind of a frantic look in her eyes. Her voice is shrill. She is wearing WAY too much makeup. She argues about the price of everything while she is telling you what is crappy about the product you are selling. I learned that if I speak very gently I can sometimes get her to calm down.

I learned that My Cousin Vinny is still a funny movie.


Crazy Mo said...

Those are all good things to learn. I'm impressed that you just don't cuff the cranky Christmas shoppers. I would! This is probably why I don't work in retail.

My Cousin Vinny is a classic. It never gets old. What's a Yute??

Duyvken said...

The first part sounds wonderful. The part about the unpleasant customer - not so much. Let's just concentrate on the first part, shall we?

Anonymous said...

These are important things. I've learned the same thing about making friends online.

Too bad about the frantic ladies. They need to learn to chill. And possibly accept antidepressants into their lives.

Anonymous said...

You've learned some good things--and some scary things. And I'm so sorry about the crazy customers. I try to be super nice to clerks this time of year because i cannot imagine what their day must feel like.

Cat said...

In honor of you, LMSS, I will try to tone down my make-up for this shopping season. I can't make any other promises, though.

Heather T said...

Oh yeah, My Cousin Vinny. I just saw that a few weeks ago on cable. That is a great movie. I love it.

Good luck surviving the consumer freaks. I will be thinking of I brave the snow of Michigan because I can't take time off to go see my family in FLORIDA where you are!

Patience_Crabstick said...

A recipe for Bailey's on the rocks?

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

That's why I generally Christmas shop at Costco and avoid malls like the plague at all times.