Thursday, November 20, 2008

Squatters With Good Furniture

When we moved to The Sunshine State, we decided to get an apartment within an hour's driving time from University of Tropical Paradise. Sorority Girl could live on campus, but drive home for long weekends of a free laundry room and homecooked meals.

We found an apartment that later underwent the dreaded "Condo Conversion".
It was sold and we started paying rent to the owner instead of the apartment management. Life was good until the morning the Sheriff's Dept Bang, Bang, Banged on the door to tell us the landlord hadn't paid his mortgage in 7 months and the bank was starting foreclosure.

So we decided to stop paying rent!! With the bank's approval, we have been
Squatters With Good Furniture for the past 2 months.

Today, the Real Estate agent hired by the bank is coming to get a key so they can start showing the apartment to prospective buyers. He will also show us apartments in our same complex that are NOT part of the dreaded "Condo Conversion".

It's a good thing I never unpacked half of the boxes from the BIG move.


Anonymous said...

That is so crazy. Good luck with all that. I'm glad you had a great weekend--your ice cream intrigues me.

Monnik said...

oh wow. That's crazy! But cool that you don't have to pay rent for a few months. Moving is such a giant pain. hope it goes well for you!

Anonymous said...

"squatters with good furniture"


My Name is Cat said...

Keep on squatting LMSS!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! They're not paying the don't pay the rent. That's definitely a fair deal in my book.

The Stalking Queen said...

You don't know me, and I don't know you. But because of a comment you once made on someone else's blog... you have changed my life for the better, more than you will ever know... And for that you will always have my thanks! Kinda cryptic I know... if you want you can email me and I can maybe explain a little better, if not... take care and thank you...

Anonymous said...

we're wondering if our landlords aren't up to something. our neighbors moved out over a month ago and they haven't done a thing to prepare for a new renter. and we keep calling asking when we can sign a new lease and they give us the runaround.

blackbird said...

That sounds like a huge annoyance. With good furniture.

Amy A. said...

Free Rent! Yay. Maybe moving within the same complex won't be too big of a hassle, just moving stuff from one drawer to another.

Lucky! I love your winning basket of stuff.

PS My word verification is ionic. Isn't that a real word?