Everything else in the picture came from the $1 clearance racks. 2 pounds of Hershey Kisses for many,many batches of Peanut Butter Blossom Cookies.
2 Christmas baskets that I will De-Christmas and use the ribbon to make them
into baskets for all my bathroom counter clutter. 3 ounces of royal blue boa yarn that will become a scarf to go with my favorite denim jacket. And a cute black, white and red blank journal to record my Weight Watcher Points.
(I'm not going to the WW meetings. I've been there,done that multiple times. I don't need the pep talks or the recipes or the semi-public weigh-in. I just count my points. 35 Lbs down. 25 to 30 more to go.)
And I still have $12 left on my gift card!
Gift certificates are the best.
Congrats on the weight loss! 1/2 way there. Keep up the good work.
I can't take those WW meetings, either. Heard it all, done it all.
Your haul looks great - love a good sale!
I Loooove peanut butter blossoms!
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