Wednesday, January 13, 2010

This One Is For Bee!

This is for Bee. Bee had elbow surgery today.

She's one of my newest Blog Buddies (my family thinks I have Imaginary Friends, but we all know they are real). Bee is a brand new blogger and she is as funny as her sister Meg.

BEE??? Are you there???
WAKE UP, HONEY! Shake off that Vicoden haze!

If you are reading this, YOU SURVIVED! Now is the RECOVERY PERIOD. This is the time to make those 3 males in your house wait on you hand and foot. I think you can milk this for at least 3 months! Here, I present the POST-MOM-SURGERY-SURVIVAL-MANUAL.

  1. Male members of the Miss Beehaven household will prepare and serve all meals to Bee
  2. Male members of the Miss Beehaven household will make all the beds on a daily basis
  3. Male members of the Miss Beehaven household will wash all the dishes
  4. Male members of the Miss Beehaven household will do all the laundry
  5. Male members of the Miss Beehaven household will vacuum the rugs
  6. Male members of the Miss Beehaven household will keep the bathroom sparkling clean and antiseptic (we can't risk a post-surgery infection!)
  7. Male members of the Miss Beehaven household will hold Bee's book and turn the pages
  8. 1 Male member of the Miss Beehaven household will be in charge of dressing Bee.
  9. Male members of the Miss Beehaven household will prepare evening meals from The Pioneer Woman's cookbook.
  10. Male members of the Miss Beehaven household will give up possession of the TV remote to Bee.

This is going to be SO GOOD for the men. Just don't tell them it is an internship to prepare them for when they get married and their wives are post-partum.

Like I said, you can milk this for AT LEAST 3 months!


Anonymous said...

I hope they do all of these things for her! This list includes every nice thing I wish MY men would do.

Bee said...

OMG LMSS - you are too funny! Thank you for setting my guys straight - I will show this to them and let you know if they are able to accomplish these tasks - it's doable but doubtful! I seriously cannot even put my own bra on!

Meg at the Members Lounge said...

I have tears coming down my face I'm laughing so hard!

PS. Big sisters shall bring a pre-mixed Bloody Mary when the narcotics wear off.

LMSS, tell your hubby blogger friends are the best. And you will be taking off to NYC this summer.

BOSSY said...

You are the best kind of internet friend. Excellent list.

Caterina said...

HA! I wish I could get a list like this for me :) I couldn't even get these things done when I was post-partum.

Get well Bee!