Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Stupid Stuff I Did Today

I was kinda stupid today.

Case 1: Bought a new pair of shoes and wore them to work with no socks. My blisters have blisters.

Case 2: Ate two very large pieces of Chocolate Wowie Cake.

Case 3: Went off on a verbal tirade after hearing people complain that their children (who spend up to 10 hours a day in day care) have been constantly sick all winter.

I'll be better tomorrow.


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Sounds like you should step into the picture in the post below and partake of the Grey Goose!

Anonymous said...


Jennifer (Jen on the Edge) said...

Some days are just like that. Tomorrow will be better.

katydidnot said...

chocolate wowie cake is never a mistake.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes ya just gotta let it out. That Grey Goose oughta help with that!

Enjoy the SUNSHINE!! Snow here - again.